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Information Management

Information management involves the governance and stewardship of all data generated throughout a project lifecycle pertaining to assets, equipment, documentation, technical standards, and overall information integrity.

Robust information management practices ensure accurate, complete asset and equipment data, along with technical documentation adhering to standards. This enables adherence to reporting requirements, supports governance needs, and facilitates handover to facility operations teams.

Diligent information management ensures quality data output, strengthening operations and maintenance through reliable technical information and a comprehensive asset data foundation. Overall, rigorous information management processes safeguard data fidelity from capital planning through asset operations.

Information Management can be broken down to the following sections:

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Asset Information Management (AIM)

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  • Asset Data for Operations
  • Digital Twin
  • Predictive Analysis for Failures
  • Just-In-Time Spares Information
  • Maintenance & Performance Records

Document Information Management (DIM)

  • Project Documentation
  • Project Handover Requirements
  • Contractual Records
  • Project RFI Requirements
  • Documentation Quality Auditing

Technical Information Management (TIM)

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  • Standards & Governance
  • Technical Design Documentation
  • Data Quality Auditing
  • 3D Federated Models
  • Data Extractions

Business Information Management (BIM)

  • KPI Reporting on IM Project Quality
  • Training Materials & Presentations
  • Process Flow Diagrams & Documentation
  • Business Analysis
  • Strategies, Plans, Budgets & Personnel

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